Becoming a GRG Partner

The Growth Resourcing Group (GRG) is committed to help you lead better than ever. We are an apostolic network which means our focus is primarily on organizational leaders and their teams and giving them the support, encouragement, and accountability (SEA) to walk in the fullness of God’s calling and the organization’s vision, mission, and values.

We accomplish this in the following primary ways:

  • Ongoing relational connection with the point leader and his/her team
  • A monthly phone call with the point leader and spouse if applicable
  • Consistent prayer for and with these leaders and their teams
  • Leadership coaching on topics like personal growth, organizational health, organizational growth, team building, vision casting, fundraising, structures, recruiting, problem solving, etc.
  • Onsite investment visit 1-2 times per year from an Apostolic Team member
  • Annual leadership gathering for relational connections, cross pollination, investment, inspiration, and developing peer relationships
  • Opportunities for trips to other locations for exposure and investment

As a GRG Partner you would be committing to an intentional relationship with this family. Partnership relationships should not be entered into lightly. They are designed to last and be mutually beneficial. Both parties give their best to each other. They are not so much transactional (you give me this so I’ll give you that) but relational (we both bring our best).

If you believe GRG is your tribe and you want this kind of relationship then we encourage you to move forward with this process. Please understand this is not for everyone but for those who genuinely desire and are called to this kind of mutually beneficial relationship. It will change your life, your relationships, and your organization– you’ll lead better than ever!

GRG Application Process

Step 1 – pray and seek God for confirmation about this decision
Step 2 – fill out the application form
Step 3 – you and your team will be interviewed by a GRG Apostolic Team member
Step 4 – sign the GRG agreement as a team
Step 5 – the GRG Apostolic Team will process, pray, and let you know if your application has been confirmed. If the answer is yes, your GRG partnership will be confirmed publicly.

Apply to Join GRG

"*" indicates required fields

Would your organization be interested in coming into GRG as a partner?
Are you in agreement with the GRG values?*
See the values here:
GRG partnership agreement: I believe Jesus has called me/us to partner with the GRG family to lead like never before so that we can create a life-giving culture that will change the world for good. In order to do that I/we have committed to these relationships and values. I will endeavor to honor this commitment by: — staying on the journey even when its difficult- remaining teachable — being a lifelong learner — choosing love even when I don’t agree — leading with passion, vision, humility, and a servant’s heart — not holding grudges and believing the best about others — prioritizing my relationship with Jesus, my spouse and family, my team, and my apostolic oversight
Financial Commitment: My key leaders and I will attend the GRG Weekend annual leader gathering our organization will give monthly to GRG (amount will be based on the organization’s structure and income level and be agreed upon before confirmation). As the point leader I will personally give a monthly tithe (10%) to God through GRG.
I understand that I am applying and this is the beginning of a process.*