
We all want to belong. Authentic relationships don’t just happen – they are built with care over time.

We endeavor to:

Build intentional relationships

Believe the best, listen well, and forgive often


Anything alive grows and changes. We pursue growth in the entirety of our lives and in every endeavor.

We are committed to:

Lean into accountability, coaching, and lifelong learning

Continue on the path of spiritual formation


We desire Jesus-centered lives, marriages, families, businesses, and ministries. Jesus holds the center. As leaders, we are first to listen, own mistakes, and forgive.

We make a daily choice to: 

Pursue Jesus first

Take personal ownership of our lives and growth


We are not meant to lead alone, but many leaders feel lonely. We provide SEA (support, encouragement, and accountability) to point leaders, with the intention that their families, teams, and organizations grow, too.

We choose to:

Believe in and develop leaders

Develop and work in teams

What Makes Us Unique?

Uncomfortable Transparency

When people begin to relate with us as a group they tend to be taken back by the transparency of our relationships. We believe that living in the light includes making sure there are no hidden things that trick us into a false sense of righteousness.

Support Encouragement Accountability (SEA)

No leader has enough of these three vital relationship elements. Although we often have structures that would imply these things, the reality is almost always quite different. GRG’s desire is to support your purpose, encourage you to press into Jesus and the people he’s placed in your life, and hold you accountable to the mission, vision and values of your organization.

Relationship First

We are committed to a very high value on our relationships at home. If a leader’s marriage is struggling we will choose to make sacrifices in the ministry, business, or organization over the marriage. This doesn’t mean that there won’t be struggles along the way or that a spouse can use this priority to sabotage or control what God is doing.

7th Year Sabbatical

We encourage our leaders to take an extended sabbatical every seven years for the purpose of disconnection, perspective, and refreshment. The key pieces of sabbatical are endings, neutral zone, and beginnings. Intentional coaching and a sabbatical team are vital for this process to be healthy.

Why a GRG Weekend? 

As leaders we give, serve, invest, train, and empower others. It’s what we do. We don’t complain about it, and we are grateful to serve Jesus by serving people. However, none of us are invincible, and although we may think we are, we aren’t without limits. All of us need investment and space to recover and refresh. We need to be replenished. We need new ideas and we need to be around other leaders who stretch and inspire us.
The GRG Leadership Weekend is designed to do just that – refresh, inspire, and replenish you. It’s a time to sit back and rather than lead, to receive. It’s a time to be invested in rather than investing. If you need refreshment or you need to be challenged as a leader or you need some investment this weekend is for you.
Hope to see you there!

Keith Spurgin

Next GRG Weekend: April 18-20 2024