Our Leadership Team

Keith & Susan Spurgin

Keith is an avid cyclist, loves investing in leaders around the world and helping people reach their God-given potential.

Susan loves to travel all over the world, have long talks with friends and investing in those she loves. Family is a priority and being a Grandma/Great Grandma(GG) fills her heart. Her motto is: “Love Well… Forgive Often.”

Jeremy Price

Jeremy is one of those rare combinations. He’s an artist who leads an organization (Ten Thousand Homes) and has a deep abiding love for his wife, Jen and their two kids.

Lynn Burgess

Lynn has been involved with GRG from its origin and enjoys investing in the GRG family both locally and abroad.  She is passionate about community, family, growing leaders and women being fully released into their call.

Kavin Tubbs

Kavin has a unique prophetic call and serves businesses, non-profits, and churches.  He is a CPA, and has held executive positions in finance, and along with a variety of leadership positions within the church.

Jill Coyle

Jill runs 3eCoaching with Danny as business coaches & investment managers. They met as teens in Hong Kong & moved to Beijing in 2001, where they started businesses & a church. Jill loves to dive and surf with her family.

Ned Berube

Ned is one of the finest theologians we know and brings a wealth of knowledge, practical experience, and leadership lessons from decades of faithfully serving Jesus.

Ronas Marule

Ronas Marule lives in White River South Africa and has been married to Busi for over 30 years. He has over 3 decades of experience in pastoral work, Youth Ministry, and also in Bible School and Missions training. He has great interest in investing in next generation leaders.

GRG Mission Statement

Mentoring leaders of organizations to develop healthy cultures that positively influence people’s lives and change the world for good.
In short–Helping you lead better than ever.